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The first big campaign that Dame Anita Roddick and The Body Shop launched drew attention to the continuing threat to these majestic mammals. Initially, the posters provided some relief from what Anita described as her slightly tedious window displays. It was her first shot at this style of visual communication and not exactly shy and retiring. But then neither was she.
As early as the 1980s, environmental groups saw the climate change issue as a threat to the earth. Before fuel lobbying groups influenced the debate, Anita added The Body Shops voice to the issue of global warming. We worked with Greenpeace on a high-profile campaign against the destruction of the ozone layer by CFCs. It lay the foundation for our punchy poster campaigns and helped set the tone for fights to come.
Our groundbreaking Stop the Burning environmental campaign collected almost a million petition signatures calling for the end of the burning of the Brazilian rainforests. Alongside this Anita also threw her heart and soul into a successful campaign to block a major dam project in Brazil.
Anitas methods energized everyone who worked on the campaign out the street petitioning people, asking the public questions like did you know that an area the size of Wales is burning every year? Many people who worked on the campaign remember this as a critical moment before climate change issues slipped off the international agenda.
Probably our most iconic campaign, and one that made us the first cosmetics brand to campaign on the issue of animal testing within our own industry. In 1996, we delivered a petition signed by 4 million people to the European Commission and in 1998, Britain introduced a ban on animal testing on cosmetic products and ingredients. It was changemaking activism, in action, and remains one of our proudest moments.
The Body Shop debuted its self-esteem campaign featuring the fuller-figured doll, lovingly referred to as "Ruby." She graced store windows in the UK with the powerful slogan, "There are 3 billion women who don't look like supermodels and only 8 who do."
Ruby challenged harmful stereotypes of beauty and openly challenged the influence of the mainstream beauty industry. Honest, confrontational and with a characteristic ambition, it was Ruby who inspired a worldwide debate about body image and self-esteem.
Anita was all about action. She empowered store staff to run campaigns their own way. The philosophy was 'glocal' - local issues but with a global outlook. Alongside this international campaigning for human rights, staff volunteered at local refuges and shelters or visited schools. It was these lasting relationships with the community that enabled staff to build a movement fast.
In 98, we partnered with Amnesty International and campaigned to highlight the plight of human rights activists around the world. The campaign saw over three million customers make their mark in 34 countries by signing our petition, consequently helping to free 17 out of 30 prisoners of conscience.
In 2002 the concept of renewable energy was pretty new or seen as a luxury, so we ran a campaign to push it up the agenda. These ideas werent so popular in our global franchise stores such as Indonesia, a country that exports large amounts of petroleum. But, we energized, petitioned and educated staff - and it worked. The global campaign culminated in the presentation of over 6 million customer signatures at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.
We reinforced our commitment to environmental sustainability through investment in renewable energy, funding of energy efficiency projects in low-income countries and incorporating post-consumer recyclates into our packaging.. Alongside this international campaigning for human rights, staff volunteered at local refuges and shelters or visited schools. It was these lasting relationships with the community that enabled staff to build a movement fast.
In 98, we partnered with Amnesty International and campaigned to highlight the plight of human rights activists around the world. The campaign saw over three million customers make their mark in 34 countries by signing our petition, consequently helping to free 17 out of 30 prisoners of conscience.
This was a global campaign that built on 10 years of campaigning on the issue in markets such as Canada, West Malaysia and the United States. It highlighted the issue of domestic violence in more than 50 countries and has since raised over ÂĢ2 million to support survivors of violence in the home. In some countries, such as Indonesia and Canada, the campaign helped change the law on domestic violence.
Staff volunteered and met women who had been affected by domestic violence. Staff in various markets met women leaving abusive homes and kept in touch with them on their journey into employment. Many staff insights from this time have inspired our inclusive hiring program in North America.
In 2008 we ran a campaign to give 100% of the profits from some of our best-selling products to the Staying Alive foundation. It ran for four years and raised over ÂĢ4 million. The unrestricted money gave them the freedom they needed to invest in young people working in their own communities during the HIV epidemic. They spent it in areas where they could make the biggest impact, where rates of infection were high and grassroots community groups were running on debt.
The Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People campaign is one of our most successful ever. It was truly epic. We collected 7 million signatures. The petitions were presented to heads of state, government ministers and dignitaries in 40 countries across the world in 2011, as well as to the European Union and the United Nations Human Rights Council. It has already inspired over 20 governments to commit to introduce new legislation protecting and supporting children and young people affected or at risk of sex trafficking.
We created a ground-breaking partnership with UN AIDS, launched around the world on World Aids Day, 1st December 2010. The key campaign message focused on informing people all over the world, across The Body Shops stores and UN AIDS global network. It encouraged the notion of allyship in an issue that was still taboo worldwide. It championed the message that everyone can Be An Activist in the fight against the HIV epidemic regardless of their status, beliefs or background.
Building on our rich heritage and expertise on this issue, in the summer of 2012 The Body Shop was proud to support the launch of Cruelty Free International, the worlds first NGO dedicated to bringing about a global ban on animal testing for cosmetics. With 80% of the worlds governments still yet to ban animal testing, The Body Shop call on all governments and regulators to participate and consign it to history.
With the EU ban on cosmetics tests on animals came the promise of a Europe in which animals no longer suffer and die for the sake of cosmetics. In 2021, we saw the EU begin to break this promise. In an industry-first, we collaborated with Dove, PETA, CFI and over 500 leading animal protection organizations to campaign for urgent action against new animal testing requirements in Europe. Together, we activated across the continent in hopes to collect one million signatures to bring the matter back to the European Commission.
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credit from the body shop thailand